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#  14 Hour Culture Dynamics
#  W. Balch and D. Fields, PIs
#  Version 28 September 2016
date          day   time    pH       temperature  salinity  inVivo_fluorescence  cell_density  mean_cellDiameter  fluorescencePerCellDensity  PIC_ugCPerL  PIC_pgCPerCell  POC_ugCPermL  POC_pgCPerCell  NO2      NO3_NO2  NO3      PO4      SiO4     mean_SiO4  TA       DIC      pCO2     HCO3     CO3      CO2      omega_calcite  ISO_DateTime_UTC  
2014/04/22    0     9:57    7.779    17.3         31.4      nd                   nd            nd                 nd                          nd           nd              nd            nd              0.1      885.6    885.4    27.4     20.9     nd         2125.3   1997.4   751.8    1885.8   84.8     26.7     2.07           2014-04-22T09:57:00  
2014/05/06    14    11:31   7.793    16.8         32.1      nd                   nd            nd                 nd                          nd           nd              nd            nd              0.3      893.9    893.6    27.5     21.9     nd         2331.2   2192     793.7    2067.7   95.8     28.5     2.33           2014-05-06T11:31:00